Usual uses for monuments and headstones. Over the years we have sold headstones for uses not directly related to marking a burial site. Below are just a few of them.
A number of these were sold to the City of St. Louis for use as area welcome signs. We did not do the brickwork which is in the process of being installed. This is a standard granite with curved arches at the top – to represent the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Note the reflections from nearby houses in the highly polished surface.This “monument” was sold to a nearby subdivision to mark the entrance. We used a slightly smaller “base” and recommended to the subdivision board they paint it black or green. The idea was to give the illusion to passing cars that it was “floating” above ground. Unfortunately the subdivision across the street then put in a larger brick stucture, so, this subdivision then bricked around this one so their’s would be the same size.This monument is being used in a cemetery that was being “brought back” from a slightly run-down condiction. The people did a nice job and the monument gives information to visitors.This “bronze” marker is used along the entrance to the church as a dedication plack. It works quit well.