Special Offers
At this time we are not running any special offers other than any discounts or other considerations mentioned in the current catalog. The wise old owl believes, rightly or wrongly, that most people are smart enough to see through gimmicks, 20% off, 30% off, 50% off, etc. deals (after some company raised the price in the first place to allow for the discount). It’s not the percentage discount that matters, really. What does matter is how much something actually costs you for the quality and workmanship and service you get. If something costs normally $1,000 and some company raises the “price” to $1,500 and then gives a “deal” at 1/3 OFF today only are you really getting a deal? Obviously not. We offer very reasonable pricing FOR WHAT YOU ACTUALLY GET. Think you can get it cheaper over the internet? Well, maybe, but read this first. Finally, all businesses get their “profit” from the price they sell something for MINUS the TOTAL COST of doing business. It is not just the sales price of the merchandise less cost of merchandise, but ALL costs have to be subtracted. And those costs include overhead, rent, debt service, cost of maintaining an inventory of unsold merchandise and so forth. We own our property, have very low over-head, no debt and do not, as a matter of policy, keep a bunch of unsold stones sitting around waiting to be sold. Our cost of doing business is very low – we don’t have to make it all on one deal. Most people who deal with us are very pleased with the value they got without “gimmicks.” To understand the economics of it read this.